

Sunday Worship: Starting May 26 Summer Worship is Sunday at 9 am through September 1, 2024

We are online Sunday starting at 8:55 a.m. on Facebook Live at www.facebook.com/ImmanuelLutheranBaileysHarbor/. All are welcome!

You do NOT need to be a member of Facebook *or* Immanuel to watch!

At or near the top of our Facebook page, look for a box with a small red “LIVE” button in the top left. Click it, and you’ll be watching us.

This video is a one-way event. No one will be able to hear or see you; they only see comments you may type.

Once the worship service is completed, it is available on our Facebook page for anyone who missed the live event; look in the Video section at the top of our page.

Again, just go to our Facebook page and look for and click the red LIVE button at or after 8:55 a.m. Sunday: www.facebook.com/ImmanuelLutheranBaileysHarbor/

See you Sundays!

Immanuel news

July 2024
Volume 1, Issue 79

A note from Pastor Gary…

“But Jesus called for them and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do
not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.’ ”
(Luke 18:16)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
During the week of June 10-14, we had Vacation Bible School with several other Northern Door
Churches at the First Baptist Church in Sister Bay. I should back up and not say we “had” but
“celebrated” VBS. It is truly a celebration when the churches can come together and work
together on behalf of the children and the Christian Community. There were about 115 children
and about 75 volunteers. The volunteers consisted of tribal parents, helpers, crafts, snacks,
games, skits, music, storytellers, and more. And the age range of the volunteers was from 11
years old to mid-80’s. It is an amazing five days.
I do want to thank the volunteers from here at Immanuel and also your generous support
through the Noisy Offering for the months of April, May, and June. I wish that you could see the
energy that these kids bring each day at VBS. They literally can’t wait to get there in the
morning and afterwards they are sharing the story of Jesus and His love with family and friends.
Which we are all called to do. In fact, the kids are disappointed when Friday rolls along and it is
the last day. Maybe next year you will want to help with VBS.
The disciples were trying to keep the children away from Jesus. They didn’t want them to
disturb Jesus while he was teaching. But Jesus, turns it all around. He tells them to let the little
children come to Him and that the kingdom of God belongs to them. Sometimes we adults need
to be like little children. Sometimes we need to let the children come to Jesus.
When we have a baptism the parents, sponsors, and the congregation make a promise to God
and we are entrusted with responsibilities: to live with the children among God’s faithful people,
bring them to the Word of God and the Holy Supper, teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed,
and the Ten Commandments, place in their hands the Holy Scriptures, and nurture them in faith
and prayer, so that they may learn to trust God, proclaim Christ through word and deed, care for
others and the world God made, and work for justice and peace. Sometimes, how soon we
forget that we all made these promises to God.
We are all God’s children. He has claimed us as His own and we need to remember that. So,
the next time when life gets too serious or when there seems to be no hope it is okay to be a
little silly and laugh. To be a child. It may put a smile on someone’s face. It surely will put a
smile on God’s face.
God’s Peace & Love,
Pastor Gary

Immanuel Lutheran Church
Bake Sale

Please come out and support our Outreach fundraiser.
Variety of baked goods.
Saturday, July 27
Start at 9 am until everything is gone.
Thank you in advance for your support!

Second quarter Noisy Offering will be
going to Vacation Bible School. The
Noisy Offering for the month of June
collected $289.67 during the
worship service. Thank you!

Please continue to save
your Tadych’s register
receipts and put them in
the box by the coat rack. They give us a
1% rebate on the total amount.
Thank you!


Monday 9 a.m. to Noon

Wednesday 9 a.m. to Noon

Thursday 9 a.m. to Noon

& by appointment



Welcome to Immanuel Lutheran Church’s website!
We’d be blessed if you’d join us! We invite you to “Like” our Facebook page, by clicking herethanks!


Snow Cancellation Information

If winter weather should cause a need to cancel worship or other church programs and events, here are some things to remember:

• On Sunday mornings a decision will be made by 7:30 am
• Information will be posted on our website www.Immanuel-
and our Face Book page Immanuel Lutheran Baileys Harbor
• TV channels 2, 5, 11 and 26 will be notified as well as Radio stations WDOR, WBDK
• Wednesday Bible School and Confirmation classes will follow the school’s decisions – no school or early dismissal means there will be No Bible School or Confirmation classes.
• If you would like to be notified by phone about cancellations, please contact the church office.

We make every effort to get the word out early and quickly.
Also, we generally operate on the side of caution not wanting to put people at risk unnecessarily.